Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Backyard Tea

Hey guys, I thought it would be cool to do a quick lesson on making tea from backyard ingredients.

I'm not sure everyone has a backyard like mine, but mint and heart clover grows wild, so it's easy to get the ingredients for tea.

Today we are making two teas:

  1. Mint tea
  2. Heart clover tea
Let's start with the mint tea. You will need:
  • 4 sprigs of mint (any type) each about 6" long, washed

This is spearmint
Strip the leaves off until all you have is the stalks, and deposit your leaves into your tea pot/press.
I guess if you really wanted to you could just put the whole stalks in...

A whiff of this smells great
Once you have taken the leaves off, cut them up. I choose to cut them up while in the tea press so that I don't have to move itty bitty mint pieces. Once cut up, add hot water and let them steep.
chop chip chop

Boiled, microwaved, any way you choose to heat your water shouldn't taste any different (in my opinion)

The fog...

The mint usually floats

You can cut it up more after it floats if you want...

The pieces should be about this size
If using a tea press, be sure to lower the plunger so that the mint is submerged.
And press

Does not need to be very submerged, just below water level
You will know when it is done because it will look like this, a yellowed color.
Ready to drink
For those of you with a tea press, completely lower the plunger and then pour yourself a cup of tea. This tea tastes good with 3 cubes of sugar per cup of tea :)
Minty fresh!!

Enjoy the minty mint tea :)

Sweet Pea

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